Air Quality

Can You Run an Evaporative Cooler All Day?

Can You Run an Evaporative Cooler All Day


A swamp cooler is a valuable cooling system that can run 24 hours a day, provided it is adequately supplied with water. This article aims to address common concerns regarding the continuous operation of evaporative cooler, including cost implications, power consumption, water usage, and safety considerations.

Can You Run a Swamp Cooler 24/7?

Certainly, an evaporative swamp cooler can operate continuously throughout the day. To maximize the efficiency of your cooling system, it is essential to ensure a sufficient water supply and adjust the settings accordingly. This article will explore key aspects to help you make informed decisions about running your swamp cooler around the clock.

Cost of Running a Evaporative Cooler All Day:

A standard swamp cooler typically consumes up to 62 kWh during its operational hours. Running the cooler on the most efficient setting costs $0.15 per kWh or $0.09 per hour. Calculating the cost for 24 hours results in a total of $2.23, and for a month, it amounts to $67. Compared to air conditioners, swamp coolers are more energy-efficient, using approximately 75% less energy.

Power Consumption:

On average, a swamp cooler utilizes less than 1 kilowatt per operation hour, with an expected cost of $0.12 per kilowatt-hour. This translates to approximately $0.10 per hour to operate the swamp cooler. In contrast, air conditioners consume significantly more energy, making swamp coolers a cost-effective and environmentally friendly cooling option.

Water Usage:

Swamp coolers typically consume 3 to 15 gallons of water per hour, with an average of 7 to 11 gallons per hour. The consistent need for water replenishment is due to the continuous evaporation required for the device to function. The estimated cost of water is $0.004 per gallon, resulting in about $0.04 per hour. Running a swamp cooler for 24 hours would cost approximately $0.97 per day.

Evaporative Cooler vs. Air Conditioning:

Swamp coolers are more energy-efficient, using only one-fourth of the power consumed by air conditioners. The cost difference is attributed to the water requirement of swamp coolers. Despite using slightly more power, swamp coolers are considered environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

Safety of Leaving a Swamp Cooler On All Night:

Leaving a swamp cooler running all night is considered safe. These coolers can be particularly effective during the night when the outside air is cooler than indoor temperatures. However, manual reservoir swamp coolers may need attention the next day, as they will no longer function once the cooling pad is dry. Automatic fill swamp coolers eliminate this concern.

Ideal Humidity Level for Swamp Coolers:

Swamp coolers perform optimally when the relative humidity is below 50%. In regions with higher humidity, using a dehumidifier or opening windows can enhance the cooler’s performance. Swamp coolers are especially advantageous in drier climates.


In conclusion, swamp coolers can operate continuously, costing approximately $3.19 per day, inclusive of power and water usage. They excel in climates with less than 50% relative humidity, offering a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to air conditioning. The article emphasizes the safety of leaving a swamp cooler on all night and provides insights into ideal humidity levels for optimal performance.

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About the author


I am Ben , a seasoned HVAC specialist with over 6 of experience in the HVAC industry. I holds HVAC Certification and has a proven track record in providing expert advice on HVAC systems.

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