Mr. Cool Vs. Goodman: Which HVAC To Choose?

Mr. Cool Vs. Goodman

Choosing between Mr. Cool and Goodman as your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system can be challenging. Both brands offer a range of products with various features and specifications, making it crucial to compare them comprehensively to determine which one best suits your needs.

In this Comparison, we will delve into the critical aspects of Mr. Cool and Goodman, including their history, product range, energy efficiency, reliability, customer support, and pricing. By the end of this comparison, you should understand which brand aligns with your requirements.


When selecting an HVAC system, it’s essential to consider factors such as performance, energy efficiency, reliability, and affordability. Mr Cool and Goodman are two well-known names in the HVAC industry, and they both offer a variety of heating and cooling solutions. To make an informed decision, you should evaluate each brand based on its history, product range, energy efficiency, reliability, customer support, and pricing.

Brand History:

Mr. Cool:

Mr. Cool Mini Split is a relatively new player in the HVAC industry, founded in 2002. Despite its short history, the company has quickly gained recognition for its innovation and technological advancements. Specialized in mini-split and ductless air conditioning systems, Mr. Cool is well known for its effortless installation and energy efficiency. This focus on cutting-edge technology has made Mr. Cool popular for homeowners looking for modern, innovative heating and cooling solutions.


Goodman, on the other hand, has a much longer history. The company was founded in 1975 and has since become one of the most prominent names in the HVAC industry. Goodman is well-regarded for its traditional central air conditioning and heating systems. The brand has built a reputation for producing reliable and affordable HVAC products that have stood the test of time.

Key Differences Between Mr. Cool And Mr. Goodman:

Product Range:

Mr. Cool:

Mr. Cool specializes in ductless and mini-split systems, which are ideal for providing zoned cooling and heating in specific home areas. These highly versatile systems can be installed in new construction or retrofitted into existing homes. Mr. Cool’s product range includes a variety of models with different features, such as inverter technology for energy efficiency, intelligent controls for remote management, and multi-zone options for greater flexibility.


On the other hand, Goodman offers a broader range of HVAC products, including traditional central air conditioners, heat pumps, gas furnaces, and packaged units. These systems are designed for whole-home heating and cooling. Goodman’s products cater to various budgets and requirements, with options for both primary and high-efficiency models.

Energy Efficiency:

Mr Cool:

Mr. Cool’s ductless and mini-split systems are known for their energy efficiency. Inverter technology, included in many models, lowers energy consumption by enabling the system to modify its output based on the desired temperature. Additionally, some Mr Cool systems are ENERGY STAR certified, meaning they meet specific energy efficiency standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


Goodman offers energy-efficient options within its product range, including high SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) air conditioners and heat pumps. However, it’s essential to note that central HVAC systems may not be as energy-efficient as ductless systems in terms of zoned heating and cooling. The energy efficiency of a Goodman system may largely depend on the specific model and installation.


Mr. Cool:

Mr. Cool systems are known for their reliability, especially in ductless and mini-split systems. These systems are relatively low-maintenance, and if properly installed, they can provide consistent performance over the years. However, regular maintenance and professional installation are essential for long-term reliability, like any HVAC system.


Goodman is known for producing reliable HVAC systems, particularly in central air conditioning and heating. Their products are designed to be robust and long-lasting, but their performance largely depends on proper installation and maintenance.

Customer Support:

Mr. Cool:

Mr. Cool offers customer support through its network of dealers and service providers. Since they primarily focus on ductless and mini-split systems, finding qualified technicians for installation and servicing may be easier in some regions. The particular model you select and your location can impact the customer support’s accessibility.


Because of Goodman’s extensive dealer and service provider network, obtaining qualified assistance for their equipment is comparatively simple. Their extensive presence in the HVAC industry means that you can often locate certified technicians with experience in installing and maintaining Goodman systems.


Mr. Cool:

The ductless and mini-split systems offered by Mr. Cool are often more expensive. This is primarily because of their advanced technology and energy efficiency features. While the upfront cost may be higher, these systems can lead to energy savings in the long run.


Goodman is often praised for its affordability. Their central air conditioning and heating systems are competitively priced; they’re a well-liked option for frugal homeowners. The lower initial cost can be appealing, especially for those looking for basic heating and cooling solutions.

 Which To Choose?

The choice between Mr. Cool and Goodman ultimately depends on your needs and priorities. Here are some key considerations to help you decide:

Size of Your Home: If you have a smaller living space or are interested in zoned heating and cooling, Mr. Cool’s ductless and mini-split systems may be an excellent fit. Goodman’s central systems are more appropriate for larger homes requiring whole-home heating and cooling.

Energy Efficiency: If energy efficiency and environmental considerations are a top priority, Mr. Cool’s ductless systems with inverter technology and ENERGY STAR certification offer a compelling option. However, if you prefer a traditional central system, Goodman also has energy-efficient models.

Budget: Your choice is heavily influenced by your budget. If you have a limited budget and require a basic HVAC solution, Goodman’s affordability may be more attractive. If you’re willing to invest more upfront for long-term energy savings and advanced technology, Mr. Cool is a suitable choice.

Local Support: Consider the availability of qualified technicians and service providers in your area. Although both automakers have large dealer networks, the alternatives available may differ based on where you live.

Product Features: Assess the specific features you need. Mr. Cool offers smart controls and zoned solutions, while Goodman’s central systems can provide consistent whole-home comfort.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are Goodman’s Systems Quieter Than Mr. Cool’s Systems?

Mr. Cool is recognized for its quiet operation, making it a better choice if noise is a primary concern. Goodman systems are generally quieter than older HVAC units but may not match the low noise level of Mr. Cool.

Do Mr. Cool Or Goodman’s Systems Require Extensive Maintenance?

Both Mr. Cool and Goodman’s systems are designed for durability and reliability. Regular maintenance is essential, but the level of required maintenance depends on the specific model and usage.

Is There A Significant Price Difference Between Mr. Cool And Goodman’s Units?

Mr. Cool’s systems are generally more affordable than Goodman’s, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious consumers. Goodman, while still competitive, may have a slightly higher price range.


In conclusion, making the choice between Mr. Cool and Goodman for your HVAC system entails a thorough consideration of various factors. Both brands offer diverse products tailored to different requirements and preferences. Whether you prioritize energy efficiency, affordability, or specific features like zoned heating and cooling, evaluating your needs against the offerings of each brand is crucial. Additionally, taking into account factors such as the size of your home and the availability of local support can further aid in making an informed decision. Consulting with HVAC professionals can provide valuable insights and ensure that the chosen system aligns perfectly with your unique circumstances, ultimately enhancing your home comfort and satisfaction.

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About the author


I am Ben , a seasoned HVAC specialist with over 6 of experience in the HVAC industry. I holds HVAC Certification and has a proven track record in providing expert advice on HVAC systems.