
Quieting Your Noisy Furnace: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Quiet a Noisy Furnace Blower


Owning a furnace brings warmth to your home, but a noisy furnace fan can disrupt your peace, especially during sleep. Simply turning up the fan speed often doesn’t resolve the issue, and turning off the furnace in cold climates isn’t a viable solution. This guide offers a thorough furnace repair procedure to eliminate the bothersome noise. Let’s delve into effective ways to quiet a noisy furnace blower.

1. Locate and Replace Loose Parts

Noise in a furnace can stem from loose parts like belts and screws. The furnace fan, acting as an air compressor, may produce howling sounds due to wobbling parts. Inspect belts for wear and tear, replacing damaged ones. Tighten loose fan and vent screws, ensuring a stable and noise-free operation.

2. Replace Damaged Insulation

Damaged insulation on your furnace can result in howling noises caused by air movement. Replace the damaged insulation with high-quality materials to prevent further noise. Consider using insulation spray or foam in small crevices around the furnace fan to enhance energy efficiency and noise reduction.

3. Set Up the Furnace Motor

If the furnace fan’s movement causes howling, secure the fan to the housing using screws. Check for any obstructions during motor start or stop, ensuring smooth rotation. Inspect the entire area around the furnace motor for loose screws, belts, or other attached parts. Examine the condition of existing rubber mounts and fasteners connecting the motor to the chassis.

4. Use a Return Air Duct

Inspect the return air duct for potential howling causes, especially if it has a grille. Turn off the power, cover other feeds, and direct a table fan toward the howling side. This aids in circulating air and alleviates howling issues.

5. Change or Repair Engine Mounting Gaskets

When all else fails, replacing engine mount grommets can resolve howling caused by a faulty fan. This quick and simple fix requires turning off the furnace before replacement.

6. Oil Furnace Motors and Parts

For furnaces unused for an extended period, lubricate the fan shaft with oil before turning it on. This helps address dryness in the engine, resolving potential noisy issues.

7. Install Furnace on Support Beam

Though a more expensive solution, tightly mounting the fan motor to the support beam can eliminate noise caused by movement within the furnace.

8. Replace the Noisy Blower Fan

Loud furnace fans may result from worn-out motor bearings. Lubricate the bearings or replace the blower motor to eliminate howling noise. Compare the noise when the fan is off to when it’s on, and if there’s no squealing with the fan off, lubrication may be sufficient.

9. Adjust the Speed of the Furnace Fan

Gradually adjust the furnace fan speed to find an optimal setting for reduced noise. Experiment with both speed increases and decreases to identify the most comfortable and quiet speed.

10. Adjust the Furnace Fan’s Direction

Some furnaces allow adjustment of fan blade placements to reduce noise. Ensure proper fan blade spacing to minimize furnace fan noise effectively. If all else fails, seeking professional help is advisable. A team of experts can provide effective and dependable solutions to address noisy furnace fans.

FAQs (Quiet a Noisy Furnace Blower)

1. Why is my furnace fan sounding like a jet engine?

Blocked or closed vents can increase sound pressure as the furnace’s blower motor and fan push air through, producing a “jet engine” sound.

2. How do I lubricate the blower on my furnace?

Apply two or three drops of 10-weight nondetergent motor oil to each port. Avoid over-lubrication. If the blower shaft has oil ports, follow the same procedure. Ensure the furnace is turned off and access any necessary ports.

3. Why does my furnace sound like an airplane taking off?

If your furnace sounds like an airplane or jet engine taking off, it could be a gas issue, such as a leaking line or valve. A faulty heat exchanger leaking gas may also be the cause.

4. Can sound insulation be added to a furnace?

Yes, sound insulation can be added to a furnace to reduce blower noise. Installing melamine foam next to the blower intake is an effective method. Ensure the foam is secured with steel wire to prevent it from being sucked into the furnace blower.

5. Why is my furnace blower making such noise?

The blower motor, responsible for pushing warm air through your furnace and home’s air ducts, requires regular lubrication. Failure to lubricate it may result in the fan seizing up and producing loud noises.

In summary, addressing a noisy furnace fan involves thorough inspection, replacement of damaged components, lubrication, and adjustments. Experiment with different solutions to find the most effective approach for your specific furnace noise issue. If challenges persist, seeking professional help ensures a reliable and lasting resolution.

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About the author


I am Ben , a seasoned HVAC specialist with over 6 of experience in the HVAC industry. I holds HVAC Certification and has a proven track record in providing expert advice on HVAC systems.